37+ Real Estate Rock Stars Reveal Their 4th Quarter Playbook and How They Crush The Listing Game In January By Doing What Most Don't Now (For FREE)...
Learn What You Need To Focus On During The 4th Quarter So You Crush The Listing Game Come 2018...
Nov 1st - Nov 17th
Your Free Ticket To The
Get Listings Summit
($997 Value)
Speakers featured in:
Here's A Sneak Peek At What You'll Discover When You Claim Your Free Ticket To The Get Listings Summit TODAY...
We've brought together 37+ of the most successful and insightful real estate players to teach you their approach to the real estate game in the 4th Quarter.

They'll show you their playbook and what they do that most agents don't during the fourth quarter. So you can model their proven success for your business.

I get them to reveal everything so you can apply the exact same strategies RIGHT NOW and set yourself up to crush the listing game come the new year, instead of scrambling to get business like most real estate agents.
This online event is broken down into 3 easy to digest sections:
You'll learn how the best in the business are generating seller leads during the "holiday season" - because they're serious about selling in the near future.
Learn the best strategies for landing listing appointments during the holidays. In fact, you'll learn how to use the holidays to your advantage and not have to deal with the "call us after the holidays" excuse.
Discover exactly how to recruit team members during the holidays (one of the best times to recruit) and maximize your pipeline for a strong 2018 kick off!
The 37+ experts you'll be learning
from in the Get Listings Summit...
Plus, a few surprise guests you won't believe...
Section 1 - LEADS
Gary Elwood
Toby Salgado
Chris Tamm
Howard Tager
Jay Niblick
Todd Miller
Daniel Ramsey
Sharran Shrivatsaa
Pat Hiban
Sam Monreal
Gino Blefari
Doren Aldana
Frank Klesitz
Section 2 - LISTINGS
John Gualteri
Michael Hellickson
Bob Corcoran
Dale ArchDekin
Greg McDaniel
Michael Maher
Albert Girabaldi
Tim & Julie Harris
Lars Hedenborg
Josh Schoenly
Andrey Polston
Shaun Farr
Aaron Wittenstein
Section 3 - LEVERAGE
Amanda Howard
Jeff Cohn
Amy Kite
Kris Weaver
Joel Sherlock
Chris Suarez
Russell Rhodes
Kevin Smits
Josh Anderson
Tristan Ahumada
Nick Baldwin
Wes Madden
Get Access to 37+ Expert Interviews
and their fourth quarter strategies so you can model what they're doing and set yourself to crush the listing game in early 2018...
(FREE access for a limited time).
Why you should attend the Get Listings Summit:
Incredibly Tactical Information

Because the speakers are all either incredibly successful agents, proven coaches, or vetted industry platforms -- the level of insight you're going to get from every session will be "pages of notes" worthy. Tactical information you can apply in your business right away.

Inspiration That Challenges You

These speakers will light a fire under your behind with what's possible. We've got success stories ranging from coping with learning disabilities, a mom with puking toddlers in tow, to starting out dead broke with life in a smoking crater. You will be inspired by just what is possible, and your mind and vision will be refreshed.

This Summit Will Deliver Results

The standard for every speaker interview is "if this was the only interview that an agent was able to watch, would they be able to get results with it?". This level of demand is put on every speaker, so that you will get incredible results.

First Time All These Minds Are Together

And it may be the only time ever that all these minds in our industry come together for one event. Pull back the curtain on what's driving their success, and their wanting to go deep, and give back to the community. All with a shared vision: to help you create the business and life you want.

It's FREE For A Limited Time, If You Sign Up Today

Most conferences require to you invest a lot of time, energy, and money. You have to travel, buy lodging, and completely stop your life. The Get Listings Summit is different - you save money, maximize time, and fit things in around your schedule. And it's FREE ...if you claim your ticket today.

What Makes the Get Listings Summit Stand Out?
A Singular Focus On ONE Thing

This summit focuses on one thing: how to take your listing game to the next level. So it's not all over the board - all the speaker sessions build on each other to give you the most in-depth guide possible for winning the listing game.

Carefully Vetted Speakers

To become a speaker at the Get Listings Summit you had to A) spend a min of 30 min answering questions about your business and how you operate, B) you had to be vouched for by someone I already personally knew as high-calibre, and C) you had to have proof of results.

In-Depth, Tactical Interviews

Not a single interview is surface level. Or just "lofty principles up in the clouds". As Gary V says "clouds and dirt". And I make sure that every interview delivers solid real estate gold to you that is "note taking worthy".

Do You Want To Learn From Some Of The Most Successful Real Estate Practitioners In The Business Today?
Get Access to 37+ Expert Interviews
and their fourth quarter strategies so you can model what they're doing and set yourself to crush the listing game in early 2018...
(FREE access for a limited time).

What is the Get Listings Summit?

The Get Listings Summit is an online event featuring more than 30 of the leading experts on getting listings and growing a real estate business.

Who should attend the Summit?

Rookies and veterans alike will benefit from the breadth of knowledge our experts represent when it comes to growing your real estate business. Ultimately, any agent or broker interested in growing their business, getting more listings consistently, and taking their life to the next level should leap on this opportunity.

Do I have to travel to the Get Listings Summit?

Nope - it's virtual!

I know the investment and effort involved in conference travel. The Get Listings Summit is designed to provide powerful content you can consume in a way that works for your life.

(With a bowl of ice cream, of course.)

When can I watch the Summit interviews?

Each day, several interviews will go live. When you register, you'll get the full schedule.

Andrey Polston
Creator & Summit Host
Andrey was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug at an early age. At 11 years old he was mowing lawns and reading about the stock market. By the ripe old age of 14 he was installing sprinkler systems for neighbors and investing in the stock marketing with $3,000 and an Ameritrade account.

His obsession with marketing and sales led him to getting his real estate license in his early twenties. And years later creating the Get Listings Summit, the #1 online resource for learning how to get listings. Through the Get Listings Summit, he's helped thousands of real estate agents learn proven strategies for consistently getting new listings.

Andrey is the host of the Get Listings Summit. He created this event to empower real estate agents just like you to create 6 and 7 figure real estate businesses by cracking the code to getting new listings predictably.
Andrey is on a mission to create 500 millionaire real estate agents through the Get Listings Summit by hand picking the most successful players in real estate and getting them to reveal their best secrets and strategies to you...
Get Access to 37+ Expert Interviews
and their fourth quarter strategies so you can model what they're doing and set yourself to crush the listing game in early 2018...
(FREE access for a limited time).

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